April 12, 2010

LISA (1983)

While the documentation shipped with the original Lisa only ever referred to it as The Lisa, officially, Apple stated that the name was an acronym for Local Integrated Software Architecture or "LISA". Since Steve Jobs' first daughter (born in 1978) was named Lisa Jobs, it is normally inferred that the name also had a personal association, and perhaps that the acronym was invented later to fit the name.

Lisa was a major project at Apple, and with more than 90 people participated on the design, with more on the sales and marketing effort to launch the machine. The project began in 1978 as an effort to create a more modern version of the then-conventional design epitomized by the Apple II.
Apple's Lisa was first introduced on January 19, 1983, at a cost of $ 9,995,– ($ 21,693,– in 2009).

The Apple Lisa was a commercial failure for Apple. The intended business customers balked at Lisa's high price and largely opted to run less expensive IBM PCs, which were already beginning to dominate business desktop computing. The largest Lisa customer was NASA, which used LisaProject for project management and was eventually faced with significant problems when the Lisa was discontinued.
In 1989, Apple disposed of approximately 2,700 unsold Lisas in a guarded landfill in Logan, Utah, in order to receive a tax write-off on the unsold inventory. Working Lisa's are now fairly valuable collectors items, for which people will pay hundreds or even thousands of dollars.

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